
Speed Signs


So, here in Wales, some of our roads have been given a new speed limit, down 10 mph from 30. 20 mph is the new default speed limit on Welsh roads, and it's pissing off tory-voting gammons left and right.

This is not about the politics of the real world. This post is about my dream this morning.

I was wandering down a road which looks like this one above. Where I saw a 20 mph sign, I replaced it with a new one, indicating a speed limit of 9 miles per hour.

I'd been doing this to all the local 20 mph signs across Wales, it would seem. But that's not all.

It turned out that I was also replacing speed limit signs for the 30, 40, 50 mph and higher zones with new speed limit signs - 90 mph.

And making sure that these roads ended in sections of roads where the speed limit went down from 90 to to 9 mph.

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