


This dream is about my Dad. And a field.

Dad and I were both in town. Regular streets, though I didn't recognise the landmarks. I looked away for a moment, and Dad wandered off up some alley underneath a red brick arch beside some building. Naturally, I took off after him.

I came through the arch, and found myself in a large field, part of which had been fenced off with big grid fences like the one above. And there was Dad, stuck in the middle of them, unable to find his way out.

I climbed over fences and reached him, and found the road out. So I told Dad to follow me, and I brought him back towards the arch and to the street.

Trouble is, there was some sort of business unit next door, just beyond the boundary fence. Clearly, somebody saw us, so as we came down through the alley back onto the street, we were met by security.

For some reason, the leader was convinced that I was Paul Burrell, Princess Di's former butler. I didn't disillusion him, and he let us go. Then we were back on the street, and this time I made sure Dad wouldn't wander off again.

I swear, he could get lost in a field.

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